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Sunday 15 April 2018

What will Sunday hold

Well it is Sunday there has been no rain ( that I can see) overnight but the hopes of any play today is not looking toogood.

Yesterday seemed to start well, as I went out to the limo, it was really warm and I felt very positive ............................ and then I met Mark and John who informed me that there would be no play for the morning and an inspection at 1.40pm.

So we headed to the Long Room.

We had a fabulous chat with Geoff Cope about his wonderful book, and then his dog Lester took a liking to Pink Hippo!!!!

Mark and I  chatted with various people throughout the morning and also caught up  on all that had been going on in our respective lives.

We realised that there was no information coming through the tannoys, so we just waited.
Having ventured outside I was surprised to realise that if you were sitting out there you would have needed factor 30 on!

It was very very warm!!!!
Well the umpires ventured out, the coaches ventured out. The rumour was that the outfield nearest to the rugby ground was the problem, but no one seemed to be venturing there.

Then  they put up on the scoreboard that the match was abandoned for the day. Still no verbal interraction.

So Mark and I headed off to the French cafe and had a drink before heading off for some retail therapy.

We were the only club not playing.

Strange things were afoot at Lords as wickets were tumbling right left and centre, I wonder if there will be an inspection of the wicket ????

I am resigned to the fact that there will be no play today so may be meeting up with Jim for lunch before heading back North.

The weekend is nearly over, how on earth did that happen!!!???

Ah well new week ahead and lots to do.

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